
Avant Garden Photography features the work of Minneapolis photographer Terra Rathai. Terra’s work is a meditation on the extraordinary beauty and interest of the everyday world. She specializes in garden, urban, food, and place photography.


Terra lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Brad, and children, Sawyer (10) and Zola (6).

Gear: Canon EOS 60D, Tamron 18-200mm zoom and Canon 100mm macro.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. Terra – I finally got up to Janine’s to look at your work. I was SO IMPRESSED. The images, composition and color treatment are wonderful. There is a stark abstracted warmth to the work – and I love them. Congratulations and all the best with the rest of your project.

  2. Terra – I finally got up to Janine’s to look at your work. I was SO IMPRESSED. The images, composition and color treatment are wonderful. There is a stark abstracted warmth to the work – and I love them. Congratulations and all the best with the rest of your project.

  3. I second what Dave said about the great photo at Peavey Plaza at Janine’s! I’ve been carrying that image around now in my head for the last couple weeks — I enjoy mulling it again in my mind’s eye.

  4. I went to Janine’s Coffeehouse today and enjoyed your images immensely. As an avid amateur, I especially liked your treatment of the fountain at Peavey Plaza. It is one of my favorite subjects.

    Your work is amazing. Dave.

  5. You are SO talented! What a great idea and way to stay on it! Can’t wait to see the rest! Teresa

  6. Terra,
    I am fascinated with your subject material. Small things become so beautiful.
    I will sign up for the blog emails.

  7. The photos are wonderful! I especially liked the golden fronds and the burst of colors with the M&Ms and jellybeans. I find myself looking forward to the next photo. Hope ya’ll had a great Christmas and prosperous New Year.

  8. love this idea, terra and so far the photos too! i’m excited to see what you come up with! esp love the pine cone one b/c just yesterday i had the SAME exact experience! SO COOL.

  9. Terra,
    I think this is great. I love looking at your pictures and your talent as a photographer is growing by leaps and bounds.

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